Past: Per la fine del tempo


Glenda Cinquegrana Art Consulting is proud to present


Per la fine del tempo/To the End of Time 

Simone Brambilla, Filippo Chilelli, Lucia Derighetti,
Andrea Fais, Siyang Jiang, Sara Laverde,
Gloria Tamborini, Lu Weixin

Opening: Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 6:30 PM

From July 5 to July 26, 2024

Tuesday to Saturday, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM


Curated by Pietro Giovanni Coppi, Chiara D’Alesio, Francesco Gennaro, Miriam Muscas, Vanessa Villa


Glenda Cinquegrana Art Consulting is pleased to present Per la fine del Tempo/To the End of Time, a group exhibition featuring Simone Brambilla, Filippo Chilelli, Lucia Derighetti, Andrea Fais, Siyang Jiang, Sara Laverde, Gloria Tamborini, Lu Weixin, students from the Master’s degree course in Sculpture at the Brera Academy in Milan under Vittorio Corsini. The exhibition is curated by Pietro Giovanni Coppi, Chiara D’Alesio, Francesco Gennaro, Miriam Muscas, and Vanessa Villa, a team of curators from the same Academy. The exhibition journey is set up as a collection of images, sometimes harmonious and others inappropriate.


It comes down to disparate and personal explorations, which experience a challenging coexistence here. Despite their diversity, the presented artworks are located in a common time, from which they originate. Time, captured and interpreted in many facets, represents the meeting or starting point, the stimulus driving the artists’ reflections. The exhibition captures an uncertain and provisional time, where the ruins of the past merge with an unstable present. Ghosts and presences, absences and voids, are blended in a scenario permeated by a sense of action suspension, within which evocative works of potential objects and gestures find space. They tell stories of what has happened or might be about to happen: ghostly apparitions that, balancing between losing and gaining the consistency of the real, offer themselves as the foundation to build new narratives and identities. Thus, even the rooms, through which the exhibition unfolds, offer themselves as a “project space” crossed by latent energies, by transformative and generative possibilities ready to manifest themselves in new forms.

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